1 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
One Faced Rudraksha is related to the first and the first face planet among the nine planets, Sun. Due to Sun being inauspicious in the horoscope, the person suffers from physical diseases like eye diseases, headache, weakness of bones etc. and at the spiritual level, he suffers from other diseases like lack of good fortune, lack of self-confidence etc. Wearing this Rudraksha resolves the inauspicious condition of Sun and Sun God is pleased with the wearer. The person achieves all kinds of success in life. If you are looking to harness its divine benefits, you can Buy Online Rudraksha from our trusted collection of authentic spiritual products.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Two Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to Moon. In the inauspicious condition of this planet, the person has to face serious physical diseases. Mainly kidney and eye diseases occur. The entire sweetness of family relations also goes away. By wearing this Rudraksha, the above problems are eliminated. All kinds of desires are fulfilled. Wealth and grains increase. Nightmares are destroyed, deep sleep is achieved due to which concentration increases, mind becomes stable and mental peace is attained and spiritual progress is made. For deeper insights into its benefits and Personalized guidance, consult the Best Astrologer In Varanasi, who can help you harness the true power of this sacred Rudraksha.
3 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Teen Mukhi Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to Mars. Due to the inauspicious condition of Mars in the horoscope, the native has to face blood related diseases like irregularity of blood pressure etc. Female native has to face irregular menstruation. Not only this, whichever of the two is suffering from the inauspicious condition of Mars, he also has to struggle with negative thoughts, inferiority complex and other mental disorders. Wearing Teen Mukhi Rudraksha gives relief from all these problems. Sins are mitigated. Physical strength is strengthened. Bad luck is removed. Knowledge is attained. Relief from stress. Depression is removed. What more can be said, one gets freedom from heinous sins like murder of a woman and a Brahmin.
4 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Four Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to Mercury. The person in whose Kundali Mercury is inauspicious, has to face intellectual problems especially in that inauspicious state of Mercury. His intelligence becomes dull. The ability to think and understand also decreases. The person also faces difficulty in expressing his thoughts properly. By wearing four faced Rudraksha, Mother Saraswati is pleased with the wearer and by showing mercy, she relieves all the above mentioned diseases and the person gets good intelligence by the grace of the mother.
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Five Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to Jupiter. Due to Jupiter being inauspicious, the person has to face blood sugar, kidney disease, intestinal disease. There is lack of happiness in his life. There is also lack of mental peace. By wearing this Rudraksha, the person gets relief from all these types of problems.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Six Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to the planet Venus. Due to the inauspiciousness of this planet in the horoscope, the native has to face diseases related to genitals, throat diseases, lack of strength, lack of love in life etc. Wearing Rudraksha relieves the above diseases.
7 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Seven Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to the planet Saturn. In the inauspicious state of Saturn, the native has to face diseases like diabetes, cold, impotence, despair, long illness, anxiety etc. Sometimes one may have to face death-like pain or even death. By wearing the Seven Faced Rudraksha, the native is free from all the diseases mentioned above. For personalized guidance on wearing this Rudraksha and understanding its impact, consult the Best Astrologer In Varanasi, who can help you harness its divine benefits.
8 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Eight Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to the shadow planet Rahu. Due to the inauspiciousness of this planet in the horoscope, the native has to face uncertainty in life. One has to face lung diseases, skin diseases, eye diseases, fear of poisonous creatures etc. By wearing Ashtamukhi Rudraksha, the person gets relief from the above diseases and troubles.
9 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Nine Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is related to the planet Ketu. Due to the inauspiciousness of this planet in the horoscope, the person has to face skin diseases, eye diseases, lung diseases etc. By wearing this Rudraksha, one gets relief from the above diseases.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Ten Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is not related to any particular planet. By wearing it, one gets unexpected benefits in the inauspicious condition of all the planets.
11 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Eleven Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha can prove to be especially helpful for those people who are interested in yoga, especially meditation yoga. There is no lack of courage and self-confidence in life too.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Twelve Faced Rudraksha- Like the one-faced Rudraksha, this Rudraksha is also related to the Sun. Like the one-faced Rudraksha, the twelve-faced Rudraksha also removes all the diseases and difficulties caused by the inauspicious condition of the Sun.
13 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Thirteen Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is mainly related to spiritual subjects, but by wearing it, a person can achieve spiritual progress as well as worldly advancement.
14 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Fourteen Faced Rudraksha- This Rudraksha, which is related to the planet Saturn, develops the ability of prediction in the wearer.
Other Rudrakshas-
Ganesh Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Ganesh Rudraksha- This Rudraksha is called Ganesh Rudraksha due to the shape of Ganesh Ji's trunk. It can be mainly called the Rudraksha of students because by wearing it, their mental balance remains intact, their concentration also remains accurate. If for any reason, a student's education is affected due to planetary defects in his kundali, then he must wear this Rudraksha. Ganesh Gauri Rudraksha - These Rudrakshas are naturally joined together and one of them is smaller than the other. A woman who is unable to conceive, or whose pregnancy is repeatedly aborted, gets relief from all these diseases by wearing this Rudraksha.To obtain an authentic Ganesh Rudraksha, you Can Buy Online Rudraksha from our trusted collection of spiritually Energized Rudraksha beads.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Astrological Benefits or Significance.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha - Like Ganesh Gauri Rudraksha, here also two Rudrakshas are naturally joined together. Here the difference between Ganesh Gauri and Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is that Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is bigger in size than Ganesh Gauri Rudraksha. By wearing this, the husband and wife develop a feeling of being complementary to each other, peace and love remains in their family. All the difficulties of their life are removed. Sins are destroyed and they attain supremacy. Consult the Best Astrologer In Varanasi, who can help you harness its divine benefits.